
Lupus Nephritis Patients with ANCA Antibodies Have More Aggressive Kidney Disease, Case Report Suggests

Lupus nephritis patients positive for ANCA antibodies show mixed symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus and ANCA-associated vasculitis, culminating in aggressive kidney disease that does not respond well to remission-inducing therapies, a case report suggests. The study, “Rapid progression to end‐stage renal disease in a young female with mixed…

Nonprofit Group Works to Raise Rare Disease Awareness in India

With an estimated 1.37 billion inhabitants, India will likely surpass China in five years as the world’s most populous country. That also means it will have more rare-disease patients than any nation. It already has more than twice as many as the 28-member European Union. Harsha K. Rajasimha, a genomics…