A vasculitis diagnosis changed my life, but it doesn’t define me
Rachel Young learns to walk again in 2022. (Photos courtesy of Rachel Young) This is Rachel Young’s story: Young hikes in 2023. If I had ever heard the term “vasculitis” before my…
Throughout May, ANCA Vasculitis News is recognizing Vasculitis Awareness Month with a variety of stories that represent different perspectives on life with vasculitis that we hope help to inspire and empower our readers. These stories highlight some of the unique challenges of living with vasculitis, as well as stories of hope, inspiration, and other topics that help to generate awareness among the ANCA vasculitis community. Follow along with the series here or visit us on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #ANCASpotlight.
Christine MacFadyen’s symptoms appeared 15 years ago, and she was diagnosed five years ago. (Photos courtesy of Christine MacFadyen) This is Christine MacFadyen’s story: I was a fun-loving, always smiling, energetic, adventurous woman.
Read moreRachel Young learns to walk again in 2022. (Photos courtesy of Rachel Young) This is Rachel Young’s story: Young hikes in 2023. If I had ever heard the term “vasculitis” before my…
May will be an activity-filled month for people living with vasculitis — and for doctors, researchers, and advocates in the field — as the world recognizes Vasculitis Awareness Month (VAM), and International Vasculitis Day…
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