Peaceful Chaos – a Column by Allison Ross

The Frustration of Routine, and How to Handle It

Another week, another doctor’s appointment, another stack of bills. Even my pillbox reflects it — each dosage carefully lined up, disappearing one day at at time, only for me to start the same thing over the following week. It’s an endless cycle. The vasculitis lifestyle is a unique one,…

How to Face Down the Precarious Cliff of Mental Health

I can feel the ominous darkness gathering. I dread it. Usually, I hold authority over my reactions to emotion. Though sadness and hopelessness aren’t controllable, I’ve developed the tools to mitigate their heaviness. They’re all too common with a vasculitis diagnosis. The ominous dread is my mental state,…

How Does My Environment Affect My Vasculitis Symptoms?

I’ve always been an avid reader, with a focus on Victorian English and American literature in my younger years. In those tales, there seemed to be a common theme of the family sending an invalid relative to the seaside to recover from a chronic illness. Often those invalids would…